Another tip (re taxes, or just anything) is that you can "print" any webpage as a .PDF. The option should be in your Print dialog by choosing "Print/Save to PDF" or similar as your "Printer."
Another tip (re taxes, or just anything) is that you can "print" any webpage as a .PDF. The option should be in your Print dialog by choosing "Print/Save to PDF" or similar as your "Printer."
Here's a little executive function tip based on my Splines Theory.
If you're having trouble starting a complicated and boring task, give yourself time to "load the splines." Splines are just my silly word representing the fact that ADHD and autistic people are more detail-oriented. We have a hard time accessing an idea by its summary, and need to think about the whole system with all its parts (splines) in order to grapple it. This takes time and energy.
But the good news is, reticulating splines is mostly a passive activity. First step, the hardest, is communicating to your brain about what it needs to load.
A few hours ago when I started gathering paperwork for taxes, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and my chronic pain was activated. So I pushed myself to kinda get started (updating my list from last year, opening the email folder, creating some folders on my computer), but then I hit a wall. Under intense overwhelm, I couldn't get started turning those emails into PDFs.
But my brain knows what it needs to do. It just needed time. I entered my passive splines reticulating phase, which can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Since I only have a week to get this to my CPA, the sooner I started the loading process, the better. Most of that happens in the background. The hardest part was telling my brain to start, which I did by giving a glance to the body of details I will need to absorb.
Then I went did a couple of hours of paid writing work which my brain normally expects on a Monday (so that went easier). And then back to taxes to see if things were flowing better.
And they are! I still hate it! But now my mind has an understanding of the task and it doesn't seem impossible.
I will work on it until I feel sick and foggy again, then I will pick up tomorrow where I expect it to go even more smoothly.
Here's my 2013 post on Splines Theory of neurodiverse executive function.
#taxes #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #pacing #MECFS
Taxes are like a signal jammer on my brain.
Abuse Culture project is on hold, mid-transfer of notes from Mastodon, which is just insane that I decided to start that when my accountant needs my tax paperwork in like a week. Trying hard to put a pin in that in such a way I'll find my place again.
(I've decided not to tax strike because, well, Idaho is holding my health insurance hostage. I can't even file an extension under threat of unaffordable medical care. Drat and I was all ready to go back to my Taxes Are Theft libertarian roots!)
Head is full of static now and I barely even got started gathering receipts. There's no noise here baby, it's all signal. But it's 15 HAM operators, two industrial and dubstep stations, and the NOAA weather report all talking on the same channel.
Anyhow, clocking into paid writing work now where I don't even know what what
Tell me again how #universalhealthcare in the #USA will raise #taxes....
It may raise them on #billionaires but does that matter for people who already have more than they can spend?
Would typical people find lower median taxes and no out of pocket #healthcare costs a boon? You bet! But we're all owned by the billionaires who tell us what we think.
The #taxes which the under $140k population pays is a tiny fraction of national revenue.
You want to balance the #budget? #TaxtheRich
As bank robber Willie Sutton said “That’s where the money is”.
No less than 76 #Democrats just voted with Republicans to overturn the #IRS's "defi broker rule" which would have required crypto firms like #MarcAndreessen's #Uniswap to collect information on their users and in so doing discourage the use of these platforms for #moneylaundering by criminals and rogue nuclear states (#NorthKorea *loves* Uniswap) and by the very wealthy to avoid paying #taxes.
The new wave of #memecoin scams like #TrumpCoin are also all facilitated/perpetrated by these decentralized trading platforms.
If any of these people are your representative you should do what you can to make sure they are primaried because they are not representing your interests. At a minimum call them and yell at them.
The corruption of the US government by #crypto bros is extremely bipartisan.
* Full role call of vote:
“I literally WANT my tax dollars to support National Parks, science, education, conservation, mental health, and helping marginalized people. In case that wasn’t clear.”
Hey #elonmusk , the #American People are going to need you to send us all an email (you stole our info so we know you have our email addresses) about your #SpaceX #Failures by tomorrow, or consider yourself fired by the American People whose #taxes subsidize your companies... Signed, All the #American People
The culling of #GSA’s #18F in particular, a specialized #digital services agency tasked w/improving #user experience w/govt services & helping #FederalAgencies build & buy a variety of #tech, has crippled programs that silently but effectively prepared Americans for #weather #disasters or streamlined tasks, like renewing a #passport or filing #taxes. Over the wknd, ~90 technologists at 18F were fired via surprise email that went out shortly before 1AM ET on Sat morning.
#SocialSecurity a ponzi scheme?
Elon again demonstrates abject ignorance.
A. #Taxes we pay into Social Security & #Medicare are supposed to be INVESTED by the govt so the value will increase over time, keep up w/inflation.
B. Solvency of #SocialSecurity'd be assured if, by 1 method, upper income limit increases to $350,000 from current $176,000 to capture 90% of wage earners as opposed to current 82%.
A 2nd, more complex method here:
Financial scams are a big problem in Japan right now, and a new scam uses tax-related terminology to scare people into paying up. Review your vocabulary and don't fall for the fraudsters! #life #language #nihongo #vocabulary #taxes #scams #fraud #tariffs #jlptn3
How DOGE’s Cuts to the IRS Threaten to Cost More Than DOGE Will Ever Save
"cutting the #IRS means the #government collects less #taxes. “If you’re interested in the #deficit and curbing it, why would you cut back on the revenue side?” one expert asks...
“By firing us, you’re going to cut down on how much #revenue the country brings in,” Nershi said in an interview. “This was not about saving #money.”"
What if the agenda is to actually crash markets so they can buy up what y'all lose and cheap too?
Maybe they want farms to fail also so they can buy them cheap too.
Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba overcame the first major hurdle of the year for his administration after the Lower House approved a ¥115.2 trillion ($772 billion) revised budget proposal for fiscal 2025. #japan #politics #ldp #komeito #dpp #nipponishinnokai #cdp #budgets #taxes #diet #shigeruishiba