@AlisonCreekside "Pierre [Poilievre] would be very much in sync with the new direction in America" -Danielle Smith
wow- Premier of #Alberta saying the quiet part out loud.
@AlisonCreekside "Pierre [Poilievre] would be very much in sync with the new direction in America" -Danielle Smith
wow- Premier of #Alberta saying the quiet part out loud.
I have to agree with this comment
"It boggles the mind how Premier Smith can take a harder line stance against the prime minister of her own country than the president of an enemy nation.
If she's unsure who is the bigger threat, her advisors have failed all Albertans miserably."
March 21, 2025 at 8:29 PM
via Jared Wesley ---Bsky
Western Canadian business groups outline wish list ahead of federal election call
Business councils in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba jointly released a policy paper Friday titled 'Untapped Potential — Driving Canadian Prosperity Through Natural Resources.'
#business #politics #election #economics #BC #Alberta
Western Canadian business groups outline wish list ahead of federal election call
Business councils in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba jointly released a policy paper Friday titled 'Untapped Potential — Driving Canadian Prosperity Through Natural Resources.'
#business #politics #election #economics #BC #Alberta
Western Canadian business groups outline wish list ahead of federal election call
Business councils in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba jointly released a policy paper Friday titled 'Untapped Potential — Driving Canadian Prosperity Through Natural Resources.'
#business #politics #election #economics #BC #Alberta
Danielle Smith says she’d form 2nd Fair Deal Panel if Ottawa doesn’t meet policy demands
Former Alberta premier Jason Kenney formed a Fair Deal Panel shortly after taking office in 2019, citing the province's widespread frustration with Ottawa.
#politics #government #Alberta #Ottawa #AlbertaLegislature #Albertapolitics
Danielle Smith says she’d form 2nd Fair Deal Panel if Ottawa doesn’t meet policy demands
Former Alberta premier Jason Kenney formed a Fair Deal Panel shortly after taking office in 2019, citing the province's widespread frustration with Ottawa.
#politics #government #Alberta #Ottawa #AlbertaLegislature #Albertapolitics
Do you need another measles shot as an adult in Alberta? You might
As measles cases rise in Alberta, many adults may be wondering whether they're protected against the highly contagious — and potentially dangerous — virus.
#health #disease #vaccination #Alberta #News #Canada
@cbcnews @canada-cbcnews Your current leadership is insane #Alberta.
@teledyn @RoyBrander @dkmackinnon Let me tell you a story. In 2020, the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled unanimously that portions of the Customs Act were unconstitutional.
The court found the act violated the protection against unreasonable search and seizure by border agents, because it allowed for what the court called “suspicion-less and unlimited” searches of our personal digital devices. #cdnpoli #abpoli #Canada #Alberta #S7
Why isn’t there a campaign in Alberta to force Premier Danielle Smith to resign for suggesting Alberta should split off of Canada.
We all know this would result in Alberta becoming part of the USA.
This is nothing like Quebec wanting to be its own nation to preserve its unique culture and language.
No, this is about money and power. Danielle Smith is a sellout and a traitor.
Hey #alberta get fucked. Go it alone, and when the trillions of gallons of toxic Fort Mac sludge inevitably causes an environmental disaster, along with the hundreds of billions of dollars in other oil and gas liabilities that all of #canada will get fucked over with… go to hell with your single plastics #cdnpoli #abpoli
Mark Carney meeting with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith for 1st time since being sworn in as PM
Carney is also scheduled to make a housing announcement in Edmonton on Thursday afternoon.
#politics #housing #meeting #Alberta #Edmonton #AlbertaLegislature
back in the early and mid-90s, getting on the net meant you were a university student, or had corporate access through a big company. getting online wasn't easy.
worse, even if you had a dialup number and login, there was no such thing as a tcp/ip stack built-in to Windows 3.1.
even if you *did* have a winsock stack, you'd still need a file downloading protocol, gopher client, world wide web client, ftp client, email client. just getting your machine off the ground was nearly impossible unless you could grab these from a local BBS
to make things simpler, universities began offering dial-up internet software packages to their students and staff.
in 1994, my mom was an undergrad student at the University of Alberta. our family had just bought an IBM PS/1 with a 2400 baud modem, and i was abusing the hell out of our single phone line at night visiting local BBSes.
she somehow found out that the university was selling internet dial-up software for $10 to students, and brought home the diskette pack with her. along with a USR Sportster 14.4k modem, she gave me the install diskettes as a valentine's day gift.
it had a slick setup program that enabled SLIP using Trumpet Winsock, and provided a local (free!) dial-up number for access.
after 25 years, i finally tracked down a few versions of those diskettes. i've imaged them and uploaded them all to IA.
the first version of the dial-up package in 1994 was called WinSLIP. it had no PPP support yet, but contained some really cool shareware internet utilities like HGopher and NCSA Mosaic. this would have been the earliest programs offered for Windows 3.1
WinSLIP/MSKermit 1994/95:
The second version of the software was renamed to NetSurf. It stripped out most of the obscure shareware sadly, and replaced them with Netscape 2 and Eudora Light. The new version of Trumpet Winsock offered PPP which was a huge improvement:
NetSurf 1996/97:
Now well into the Windows 95 era, the 1997/98 software was shipped on a CD with a hilarious "multimedia" installer/help program designed in Macromedia Director:
NetSurf 1997/98:
I hope this brings back some memories for fellow U of A alumni :)
New benefit limits would make it harder for some Alberta families to adopt, advocates say
Adoption advocates are warning a provincial government move to income test some benefits could deprive children of essential therapies and prevent parents from adopting children.
#adoption #family #government #policy #Alberta #News
New #introduction post!
I'm Alicia and I'm a fibre artist (#dyeing #handspinning #felting #needlefelting #weaving #crochet #embroidery #upcycling #sewing) with interests in #mandala #art #psychedelicart #sacredgeometry #neurographicart and #watercolors.
My family and I run a business called @Fibre2Fabric where we dye all sorts of exotic #fibre #yarn, and #fabric.
I live in the country with my partner and our 6 #cats, 3 #dogs, #snake and #crestedgecko where I enjoy my many interests. (#gardening #plants #herbalism #fungi #music #ukulele #piano #dancing #flowart #reading #writing #tarot #poetry #haiku #cozygames and I'm getting more into #opensource / #linux)
When I say flow art, I mean spinning props like #hulahoop #leviwand #puppyhammer #poi #staff #silkfans #firefans etc.
I love #languagelearning. I studied #German and #Spanish as a kid, took #Japanese in uni, and I'm currently studying #ASL #Cree #Tokipona #Spanish and #Chinese. I also dabble in #French and #Latin sometimes and I'm learning #Greggshorthand to write faster. Cree is my favourite language and Spanish is my second.
I've been cursed since childhood with that lovely trifecta of #heds #pots and #mcas. Healing slowly but surely.
Hope I get to meet even more cool people the algorithms would normally drown out on other social media sites. I love it here!
#Alberta is already getting their knickers in a knot at the possibility that their man Pierre might not be running the show after all.
That province makes up about 12% of Canada's population, but their outrage & "hurt feelings" are always disproportionately high.
#cdnpoli #wexit #separation #canada
Alberta's energy minister says province won't use public money to clean up abandoned wells
Alberta's energy minister says the government will not draw on the public purse to clean up abandoned oil and gas wells.
#politics #energy #environment #money #Alberta #News
Are you in #Alberta? Or #Canada really. Take a moment to support kids taking their own initiative to speak out about their own rights. And maybe boost this if you have a second.
Alberta energy minister says province won’t use public money to clean up abandoned wells
The province has long debated how to deal with abandoned wells mounting across Alberta.
#energy #politics #money #environment #Alberta #AlbertaLegislature